id="recipetitle"class="fn">Whipped Shortbread Cookies
These shortbread cookies are the best ever and the recipe is from the Best of Bridge Volume 1. I wish I could say that I actually busted out the Best of Bridge in book form, but that would be lying. I googled it, because I'm 24 not 84.INGREDIENTS
1 cup butter
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
1 1/2 cups flour
1) Preheat oven to 350F. Cream the butter and sugar together in stand up mixer.
2) Add flour and beat for 10 minutes. The 10 minute beating is what makes these cookies so good. I really recommend you ask Santa for a Kitchenaid mixer.
3) Drop onto cookie sheet. Smaller cookies are best because then you can eat more and maybe not feel as shitty about it. Or feel free to use your cookies press if you have one, and using it doesn't cause a fit of rage. I have never had a good experience with my cookie press. Decorate each cookie however you see fit. Sprinkles or maraschino cherries are good options. Don't use both though, people will think you're trying too hard.
4) Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the bottoms are just lightly browned. It is always better to under bake these than over bake.
These are of course delicious!! :) Luckily, I have been privy to much of Stef's baking...which means I have to workout twice as much...BUT it's worth it!