Thursday, June 13

June's Special Feature: JS's Chocolate Chip Cookies

id="recipetitle"class="fn">June's Special Feature: JS's Chocolate Chip Cookies

June's Special Feature: JS's Chocolate Chip Cookies
Have I got a treat for you as a special feature recipe this month. Prepare yourself for a rare and eye-opening opportunity in which we experience the phenomenon that is men trying to bake.

JS baked chocolate chip cookies. First off, the ingredients:


1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup chocolate chips


Step 1: Make a mess to find a mixing bowl you thought you had, but don't.

Step 2: Wash the stuff you pulled out from a box from your move two months ago.

Don't worry, I'm not sure what the ice cube tray is used for either

Step 3: Take picture of ingredients as per
Where is your alcoholic beverage? Doing it wrong.

Step 4: Preheat oven to 375F (not going to lie JS, that's a bit too hot). Mix flour, salt and baking soda together. Figure out how the hell to measure half a teaspoon when you have neither a full or a half teaspoon to measure it. Wing it because you think you know everything.

Step 5a: Cream the butter and brown sugar with a mixer. Preferably one that rattles and lets off a slight burning smell as you use it. Once the mix has a creamy consistency, add in the vanilla and one hand crack the egg into the mixture like a boss.
Step 5b: Reach in to grab the eggshell piece that fell in because you're simply middle management. Mix in the dry ingredients. Stir in chocolate chips.

Step 6: Drip (did you mean "drop"?) the resulting mix onto baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes. Be careful not to overback so begin checking after 8 minutes.

Step 7: Pull delicious cookies out of the oven and promptly eat two before they even have a chance to cool off. Let remaining cookies sit on baking sheet for a few minutes before moving to wire rack, which I didn't do, because I do what I want... and I don't have a wire rack.

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